Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What I am thankful For

Thanksgiving is the time of the year when you really look around and see all the wonderful things that you have that other people don't have. I am thankful for a lot of things including my family and my friends. I am so thankful for my family, they are with me through everything and I would not be at the place that I am without them. I am also beyond thankful for my friends, I would be absolutely nowhere without them. Another thing I am thankful for is my school, I have been at DCA since I was in kindergarten and I would not want to be anywhere else. Thanksgiving is A wonderful time of the year, I love to give to the less fortunate people and I love being able to thank God for all the things that I have.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Modern day actors in Julius Caesar

There are a lot of actors that could replace the characters in Julius Caesar but there are a few that I think would fit best. I think Jim Carrey would play a very good Cassius just because Jim Carrey has a kind of powerful but fun type of personality in his movies and I think he would play Cassius very well. I have thought a lot about who i think could play Brutus and I think the best fit for him would be Will Ferrell because in most of Will Ferrell's movies he is powerful and laid back just how Brutus is. As for Antony, I think Jack black would be a goof fit for him because in the Jack black movies that I have watched, he always has a friend that he is loyal to just like Antony was loyal to Caesar. Last, for Caesar I think his best fit would be Al Pachino because in all of his movies, Al is very powerful and gets what he wants most of the time, but he can also be down to earth at times.                             Photos by Henry Stroud

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Battles in Julius Caesar

I did my project on the Battles in Julius Caesar. I did my project by researching the maps of the battles of Philippi. After I researched those maps I put information on the board about why the maps look the way that they did and why they took the routes that they did. I also included information about what happened at the Battles at Philippi. I learned some things from this project that I didn't learn from the book, such as when Cassius killed himself, some people thought it was because he couldn't deal with loosing the war but it was actually because he thought Tinnitus had been captured. I think this project helped me learn more about The battles in Julius Caesar and i think that everybody else's project helped me learn things about Julius Caesar and the ancient Roman times that I have never known before.