Thursday, December 5, 2013

Animal Farm Theme

Animal Farm is a book that has a lot of different things going on at once so there are a lot of different themes that I could list. But I think in Animal Farm the most important theme would be to not let people get in your way and don't let people have too much control over you, and don't always trust everybody. I think this is a good theme for Animal Farm because when them animals sent Mr. Jones away, the animals said that they were all going to be equal but that didn't happen. When Napoleon started to be in charge the animals thought that it was normal to for Napoleon to act the way he did, they thought it was normal for him to take away privileges. I think if the animals would have known that this is not normal behavior for a leader to have, they would have done something about Napoleon. I think the animals would have trusted him a lot less if they knew what was actually going on. Not always trusting people would be a really good theme for this book because in Animal Farm, you can see where trusting everybody can lead you down the wrong path. 
 Photo By Scott Maxwell

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