Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Three Main Goals for my Junior Year

High school has flown by and I cannot believe I am already A Junior! I am so excited for this school year and I cant wait to see what God has in store for me. This past week has already been very good because of a mix of things including cheer leading, friends, and just school in general. I have a few goals for this year and one of them is that I want to become closer to the people around me. I have a lot of classes with some people that I never even speak to so I want to be able to have conversations with those people and become good friends with them because you can never have too many friends. Another one of my goals is to raise my GPA, I know that this can be challenging but I am ready for a challenge and I am prepared to do well in all of my classes. Finally, my last goal for Junior year is to become closer to God, over the summer I become very close to Him and i'm so excited to see my relationship grow with Him all year long! I'm not even a week into junior year yet and I can already tell that it is going to be one amazing year!

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